It's Christmas. Hurray!!! Joy to the world, The Lord is born. Christmas morn saw me reminiscing about her. Wished I could wished her "Merry Christmas". The floodgate of memories burst open when I was in church. An incident at the church triggered it.

I was standing outside the church when I noticed two small kids, a boy of 6/7 years and a girl maybe 5/6 years old. They were looking at each other, thier dresses, thier difference in lifestyles. The boy seemed to from a well-to-do family while the girl was not of the same social status of the boy.

I could see the girl looking at the boy with wonder, his clothes, all sparkling new. He had a water-bottle strapped around his arms. She looked at the boy with curiosity. I saw her comparing her clothes with the boy's. She was also well dressed but not as well dressed as the boy.

No words were exchanged during these five minutes between them. Only looks were exchanged. The girl's were those of curiosity and the boy's with wonder and amusement. Then the girl's mother called her away. After a few minutes the drama continued. By this time, the boy had been called away by his grandfather. Now the boy made his approach. He had a lovely violet flower in hishand. He came to a few feet from where the girl was sitting and offered it to her. All this was happening right in front of me a couple of feet from where I was standing. The parents of both children were also there. In fact everyone who stood outside the church was interested in this exchange than the sermon the priest was giving. Soon both of them ran off to play.

This incident brought back a lot of memories on my first meeting with her at the badminton court arguing over a silly point. I don't know if those two kids will ever remember this small incident in thier lives, but I surely will cherish that moment forever.


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