It is going to be a hard decision to take, whether to heed my heart or listen to my head. One moment, I am all ready to tell her my love for her and the very next moment, I am confused and scared to see her. Must I be content with watching from afar? This feeling of being trapped between two different worlds frightens me. Some may call it hell. I believe that Hell is not a place, it's a state of mind and body; Hell is obsession with a voice, a face, a name... Hers...

The one thing I had feared all these years was the fear of rejection. I know that she is the right woman for me. But lately the serpent of self-doubt has been nagging at every corner of my soul. The unanswerable question keeps surfacing now and then like a cloud on a warm summer day. 'Am I the right person for her?'

She has helped me through my bad days, my sick days and my blue days. Her cheerful voice has brought me succour from the worries of the world. Yet the same voice would frighten me, bring endless nightmares of guilt. But guilt is not love, it is a fire that consumes without giving warmth to those embraced within its tangled coils. If only I knew what to do?


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