Perchè volete voi ch’io rinnovi
nel cuore la miseria di mia vita?
Mi fu noia spiacque
tutto ch’altrui piaceva.
Nemica ebbi la luce,
amica ebbi la notte.
ove su dal silenzio di me stesso nata
e dal fondo dell’eterna doglia,
simile alla sorgente che disseta
e simile alla fiamma che riarde,
freschezza e incendio, lenimento e piaga,
or torbido ruggente come fiaccola,
or mite come lampada,
una visitatrice si chinave su me,
quasi a nudurirsi
dell’assidua mia vegilis;
e, quando si partiva
al trenar delle stelle,
non più foco, nè fonte era.
Ma il vostro viso...

... il vostro viso
mostrava ella nudato al mio dolor.

The above para is from the opera,"Francesca da Rimini" by Ricardo Zandonai. The translated verse in English is

Why do you want me to revive
in my heart the misery of my life?
I was bored and displeased with
everything that others liked,
My enemy was the daylight,
my friend the night,
when in the silence born of myself
and the depths of eternal pain,
like the spring that quenches thirst
and like the flame that burns anew,
coolness and fire, soothing and wounding,
now agitated, roaring like a torch,
now mild as a lamp,
a visitant bent over me,
almost as if it would be nourished
by my constant vigil;
and when it left me
at the tremulous fading of the stars,
it was no longer fire nor fountain
but your face...

... your face
that gazed upon my sorrow.


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