I was distraught because I couldn't meet her before she left. Checking my mailbox for any updates, I found her mail buried under several mails promising quite a lot of things. I had almost sent it to trash before I read it. Nothing much from her, except that she had reached safely. Her friends were very happy and excited because she's spending the Christmas with them. She also sounded a little sad because she will not be home for Christmas this time. I could do nothing but shoot off a reply to her.
Christmas is a time for joy. I know that not spending it at home does not bring joy. But Christmas is not always joy. It means quite a lot of things to us than just joy. It means sharing; it means giving. It means having to make sacrifices. It means to remember our souls of our beliefs. I guess I am getting too philospohical here.

But don't worry, Enjoy this Christmas with your friends. Get out into the city and enjoy it. Remember what I used to say,"Life life to the max."

Convey my Christmas wishes to __________, ____________, and ____________. Tell them I could'nt get what they wanted. I am trying. It might take time.
As I wrote that letter, I realized that some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go. I am starting to let go of her. As I had said earlier, Hell is not a place, it's a state of mind and body; Hell is obsession with a voice, a face, a name... Hers... And I am getting out of it as soon as possible.


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