I realize that it had not been what some call 'love at first sight'. It started wonderfully with us arguing on whether the shuttle fell within the badminton court or outside. She lost the argument but won my heart. That argument heralded the start of a wonderful friendship.

Soon I found that we shared a few common interests like music and books. Even then we had differences on whether Puccini was better than Sibelius, and who wrote better horror, Stephen King or Dean Koontz. They were not difference in opinions leading to arguments, instead different viewpoints leading to better understanding of each other's tastes.

Last week, she accompanied me to a music concert though I know she doesn't like soft music. I do the same whenever she wants to hear some 'ear-splitting' music. It was a wonderful evening, listening to music with the lady of my life beside me. If only it could happen on a more frequent basis...


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